Welcome to NCCDP Online Learning, Powered by NetCE!

NetCE offers interdisciplinary courses for Alzheimer's Disease Training, Dementia Training, and Professional Dementia Certifications.


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* Meets the continuing education renewal requirement for the following certifications:

CDP® Certified Dementia Practitioner® Certification

CDCM® Certified Dementia Care Managers®

CFRDT® Certified First Responder Dementia Trainer®

CFR-DT® Certified First Responder - Dementia Trained®

CDSGF™ Certified Dementia Support Group Facilitator™

CADDCT® Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer®

If you have not completed your application and received approval from NCCDP to take the required course work, please go back to: www.nccdp.org